Things are going so well with Gabrielle and the rest of the family. We are finally getting settled.......that would be mainly Pete and I. Gabrielle has been doing so well, it has been mommy and daddy who have had some catching up to do! The whole family is bonding and it just seems so right and like it is exactly how it was supposed to be. God always knew what He was doing, boy can I see that loud and clear now.
I keep watching Gabrielle and looking at Pete and saying, "she looks just like the baby we took from the Transitional Home." That is sarcastic. It was work to make her smile, she actually only smiled a couple of times the two days we were at the TH. She also was so "blobby". She just didn't move and was pretty still and quiet, just taking it all in, a very sweet quiet demeanor. She is still very sweet and very good, however she babbles and babbles and cracks herself up. She smiles all the time and just seems so happy and really coming out of her shell. When we first got her, her head was still wobbly and she wouldn't really go into any position other than a slouch in your arm, or cradling her like a baby. We have been amazed at how much she has changed, she started sitting today!!!!! This seems almost impossible compared to a week ago. She still has some work to go to strengthen her muscles and catch up, but I have faith and confidence she will continue to do so. She was obviously loved and cared for, but the development part of nurturing was not there. She needed her mommy and daddy and brother and sister and we are thanking God every day for his blessings and the gift we have received.
I'm so glad to hear that things are going so well! It's amazing the difference a mommy and daddy can make. I'm so happy for you guys! :)
Praise God! What a beautiful little girl! God bless you guys!
Awesome! So good to see things going well!
Chris G
That's wonderful - she'll continue to transform before your eyes. We're forever in awe of Abel's growth, development and changes! No care (no matter how loving) can touch the love and safety and nurturing of Gabrielle's very own family. Now that she's home, she's going to blossom!
Thanks for the update!
Ohhhh...a new photo of GiGi. She is just sooo beautiful!! Look @ that smile:))) Is she sitting up on her own...WOW!! We are so happy you are home and bonding with your precious daughter. I love hearing all the details...keep them coming!!
We are so proud of the Kidd family!!
Love you lots,
aunti kiki
Love that smile! So glad to see and hear how she is already growing stronger and bonding with the family!
Great to see you home.
What you said about Gabrielle sounds just like Gabre. In Ethiopia she was this quiet lump of all baby. As soon as we got home she became the real Gabre. It is so much fun to see their personality come out. I am so happy for your family.
So glad to hear that all is going well and that you guys are bonding! GG is so precious!!!
She just sounds like a bundle of joy. I'm glad to hear that things are going so well. It must be good to be home and have the whole family under one roof. I'm so happy for you all.
With Love,
She is SO Beautiful!! And so happy and smiley!! I bet the kids are just in total love with her and no one can get enough!!! :D
Praise God, from Whom all Blessings flow!
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