We were back to Alexandria, VA for our renewal of fingerprints appointment this morning. With the video camera ON MY LAP- JUST IN CASE, I told Pete that "the call" was of course going to come while sitting in the packed DMV like waiting area of the USCIS office. I said I was not going to hold back and for him to be prepared for me to be screaming and to potentially be escorted out of the USCIS office as a potential threat of some unknown sort. We got a good chuckle and then he remembered that we could not take cell phones in. WHAT!!!! Not that I WANTED the call to come in the USCIS office, BUT I COULD NOT MISS THE CALL EITHER---not after all this time (insert MAJOR womanly drama here)!!! We could be in there in the black hole for hours, like we had been in the past. I had this so perfectly orchestrated in my head before we left the house, as well as having the home phone forwarded to my cell, now I would have to quickly change course, because any woman out there waiting knows----there is a science to this and it must be well planned out and strategically thought about EACH and every time we leave the house. Well, nothing for me to really do but sprint to the car after being fingerprinted to see if I had indeed missed the call........I had not. Deep sigh, another day in the life of knowing we are SOOOO close and should be hearing soon.
I know I sound crazy, but I know many out there have done things like this, please feel free to share those in the reply to this post so that I don't seem really nuts! Come on, I know someone else has forwarded their phone..... :)
God has this planned and I know He will do it in His way, lets just hope I'm not stranded in the bathroom when the call comes, as I don't have a plan for this......yet :0
Well, I didn't forward the phone but I did dream about THE moment and getting THE call. Marshall was out of town right before we thought the call was imminent, so we came up with an elaborate plan of what to do if...
Then I just broke down and made THE call to Duni myself. So, if the phone doesn't ring, I say just give her a call....the timing just may be perfect. ;)
You are so close and I'm so happy for you in advance. Praying...I know every detail will fall right into place.
love, jill
Roger & I are howling over your post. I can literally see you doing this to poor Pete...handcuffed & dragged out of the USCIS building. Your scream (I've heard it:) is powerful to even scare the tough guards :) hee hee
OK....top this. We have had our "tripod" set up facing the phone for months. It sits there like a plant, but I don't have to water it. One night, we had a party & Rog moved it in our bedroom to get it out of the way of all the kids. One of the dads went in our room and came back out with a smirk on is face.....
Yes, the camera was pointing straight @ the bed. LOLOLOL
We were soooo embarrassed & quickly tried to explain. ("Yay right", he chuckled w/ a wicked grin.)
Counting down the seconds to hear you SCREAM!!!
lots of love,
Aunti kiki
We are not quite as close to referral as you, but...I home school my kids and we are very careful about internet use, so I keep sneaking up to the only computer we own to peek at what is happening. I feel like a thief in my own home!!
Ohhh, Andrea, this is too funny :) After all of my frantic worrying about having the phone with me--when we really got "the call" I wasn't home and my cell phone doesn't have a signal at the swimming pool. So I SPENT all day out to return home and hear Duni on the answering machine. TOTALLY NOT WHAT I HAD PLANNED! I guess it's just another parallel to giving birth--you just can't perfectly plan it! Though I did manage to take a picture of the kids as we opened up the attachment, that was the best I could do. I'm so excited for you guys--you are so close, I'm sure you are sick of hearing that! By the way--would you email me with details about shirts for me and the babe?
what a sweet and funny story to share with your little girl!
For our Russian adoption, I would call or e-mail our FC to let her know if we would be out of "range" for a bit. I'm sure I was not the only one! Of course, the call came when we least expected it.
Praying for good news soon (Today, please Lord)
I read your post last night and didn't think a thing was weird about it! It seems perfectly reasonable to me for you to forward your phone as close as you are!
Now, the people who left comments...they're crazy! LOL!!
Love, Susan
You forward your phone, you take your portable phone with you each and every time you go to the bathroom, you even jump out of the shower and answer the phone and then almost bust your behind getting back to the shower, WHATEVER IT TAKES!! We can't wait to hear your scream here in FL and I KNOW we will!!! LOL!
On a video note Kari, we wanted to video the whole "CALL" also but I had just gotten out of the shower when Duni called us and I was only in a towel while on the phone with her so that WOULD NOT BE A GOOD THING!!! LOL!! It never seems to quite work out like you plan but hey, plan away!!!
Love to you!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....WE LOVE YOU!!!! It's the big 35!!!!!!!!!!
Whooooohooooo to you!!!!!
What are you doing today to celebrate!?? !!
Lets all start a "why we love Andrea" chain and gush her with all our love.
I'll go first :)
Girl, I couldn't make it one day without your cheers, support, prayers & phone calls. I will always picture you gobbling down the red velvet cupcake with the cutest grin on your face :) LOL You are BEAUTIFUL inside & out!!! You are my mentor and I appreciate your honesty & joy the past year thru the wild journey of adoption!!!!
Love you lots!!!!!!!! !!!!
Lots of Love,
Queen Bee WFR:)
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