I realize now that I could never be an actress or newsperson........Pete; however, could! We were so blessed to be called a couple weeks ago for an interview. I may be getting this a little wrong, but here is what I remember: The group within the government who regulates and oversees international adoptions put out new regulations (things that we did not have to do for our adoption). One is that the family needs so many hours of education before proceeding with their adoptions....again, we did not have to do this, but apparently we will next time. Anyway, they were putting together a movie on international adoption which everyone will be required to watch who is adopting internationally. Since Ethiopia adoptions have been so popular and numbers are rising, they really wanted a family to interview and to talk about the process and experience. So.......we packed up GiGi and Pete and I and we headed to DC for our talk. When I sat on the couch in front of the huge, hot lights and the cameras, I felt a tad nervous!! I really wanted to do good, but there were times I really felt like I was on a roll, hitting some good lessens learned, etc. and then the camera guy would stop me and say "ooohhh, your baby hit your mic. during that, can you move her to your husband and start over, that was great." AHHHHHHHHHHHH, what was I saying again? I would totally clam up and could not repeat the same thing. When you are passionlately talking about something and have to "TAKE TWO", it is really hard. Anyway, overall, I think we did good. Pete seemed so comfortable......maybe too comfortable. Come to think of it, I believe he LOVED the spotlight! We laughed that if all the sound bites are from him, we will know how I really did. But seriously, it was a true blessing to be able to talk and share about our experience. So, if you see us one day, stop back here and say hi- and you are free to make fun of me! :)
Andrea...so...are you guys planning another adoption???!!!
I just wanted to stop by and tell you I enjoy reading your blog. Your pictures of your child are absolutely precious! I am adopted and have three other adopted siblings and find such encouragement knowing you are an adoptive parent who obviously loves your children. I am the Director of Public Relations for a non-profit organization called World Orphans. We build family style church based orphan homes all over the world and our mission is simple E3 to reach each church…each child…each community. I would love for you to take a look at our website and let me know if you have any questions. (www.worldorphans.com) I hope you will have a glorious blessed day!
Jenna M. Howard
-Director of Public Relations
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