We got our "on deck" e-mail on Tuesday afternoon! This means that we are most likely in the next batch of referrals and we are very close to getting our baby boy's picture and bio!! I just can't wait to see his little face and what it looks like. Will he be 3 months old, or 9 months old? Is there any info. on his biological parents, or none.....so many questions, so many emotions. It is so wonderful going through it for the second time as I know so much better what to expect....mostly from my emotions. I do not do well when I am caught off guard with a wave of emotion. The waves come quick and furious sometimes with adoption. Well, lots of the time. I know to expect the unexpected, and even that helps.
We have a place lined up for us to live at while there. We will be staying at the Ethiopia Guest home for the several months we will be living there. So busy planning, and getting ready.
The above picture is from a walk I took with the kids on Mother's Day. I just wanted to be with them and enjoy. I have to admit I had a pang of sadness knowing that my 4th child was not with me, but I know he is meant to be in Ethiopia right now and God's got him under his wing of warmth and love and protection until He sees it is time for us to go. Next year the picture will be 2 vanilla babies and 2 chocolate babies.......oh what a beautiful sight!!!! I never would have imagined my family would look like this when I was younger, and now I can't imagine it looking any other way. Isn't this supposed to be the norm? :)
You are going to live there? Let us know more! We're excited for you!
I've had your blog on my sidebar for quite a while, and just yesterday I was "cleaning up" my blog a bit, and was adding adoptionfathers to my blogroll, and was going to delete this one as "inactive." But then I realized you were the same Kidd family as on the yahoo group, so on you stay! Will you be posting while you're living in Ethiopia? Blessings on your family!
Wendy Milligan (in top 10, waiting for baby girl)!
Hi!!! Love your post!!!!
We just have to talk about you staying at the Ethiopian Guest House!!!! I'm curious about their monthly rates! I'll email you! =)
praying that we get to meet this summer in Ethiopia! You are a huge encourager, mentor and supporter!! Praying we see our baby boys on the same day!
hugs, Ashlie
I can't believe it's that time!!! Wow--times flies when you are on the sidelines! Eagerly anticipating news of the referral--very excited for you guys!
two vanilla babies,two chocolate babies:-)I love it! Only throughthe bloood of Jesus Chist the world is changing. I wanted you to know if anyone is going to Ethioia let me know. I am
ethiopian, we will love to help. We are setting up adopt parent's place to stay in Addis.Praying God will provide help for many faithful people that go to Ethiopia to change the world.
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