Gotta love the beach, corn rows and a cute bathing suit!!!!!

Asleep in her high chair...hee hee

She love that daddy of hers. When she is with him, I need to BACK OFF, she shake her finger at me and tells me "no no"!

We both just woke up.....I love that lovey cuddly time

"Sitting on the dock of the bay"- and fishing.....and crabbing!

So several posts ago I titled it "Lord Expand My Territory". Well, both Pete and I have been praying for some time now as to how and what He will lead us to. For a little while we wondered if we should move to Africa for a year or so and just DO. We continued to pray and we have definately heard His answer on a few things.
#1. WE ARE ADOPTING AGAIN!!!!! Yeah, we have begun the paperwork and are going back to Ethiopia for a baby boy!!! We are so excited and always knew we would be going back again to adopt another child, but it feels really good to be actually in the "chase" again. His name will be Mathew, or Matty as we have been referring to him.
#2. We are committed to finding an orphanage to sponsor and support (with our friends and family......YES THAT MEANS YOU!). We have been working and talking with Tom Davis and his team at Children's Hopechest for some time now and we are hoping that on their next trip, we will, or God will direct us to the place that we will be involved with. We will be following up with more on this towards the end of the year.
#3. We realized we would be able to do more by not actually moving to Ethiopia, but to leverage and gain as much support and help from our network here that we can make a huge difference there.....BUT we believe that money alone does not do the job, our hands and feet and eyes and arms to hold and hug and love need to be in action.........so Pete has felt called to go on a trip to do just this. He will be traveling with Tom Davis in November to Ethiopia for a vision trip. God willing he will get to see and meet the children of the orphanage that we will be sponsoring and greater than that, will be able to love on and give to as many children he can come in contact with. We laugh though, because as anyone who has been to Ethiopia knows, we think we are going to give hope and to give love and to give the word of Jesus..........while in the end we end up getting so much more. Between you and me :) I think Pete will come back even more changed and even more convicted than we are now. So, stand by as he will be creating a blog for his trip.....and anyone with referrals around that time who want some pics and love delivered to their child.....he will be visiting the Transitional home!
So, maybe this means I will actually start updating my blog again on a more regular basis. I hope~ and I hope that you follow along as we could use many prayers as we follow our passion and the mission we feel we are being ever more called to.
Now that I dropped all that on you, I am heading off to tuck 3 sweet peas into bed and pray for the 4th!