Every day I spend some time researching, praying and looking at the need and situation in Ethiopia regarding orphans. I have been reaching out and finding my way as to where the Lord might direct me. I have felt so strongly, from before we even brought Gigi home, that there was more for me in Ethiopia. After being there and now being home for some time, I find I am even more on a mission. I know we will be going back to adopt again, but there is still something more. My prayer is that the Lord "expands my territory" and shows me how I can be used as His servant to help more orphans and just to make more of a difference. It is so exciting to feel this direction SOOO clearly and to pursue and pursue until He shows me I am on the right track. There are several areas and things I have been moving forward on and all are so exciting and have great possibilities.......what is more exciting is to see what the Lord does in my life and Pete's life and our families life. Or should I say what He will do through our lives- for the lives of many precious children. So many people and groups inspire me to keep plugging away and to keep supporting and searching for ways to help. I love Amazima's blog- what this woman of such a young age is doing is nothing but pure God and pure and true religion. Also, I had the opportunity to speak with Tom Davis, the author of "Fields of the Fatherless", "Red Letters", and "Confessions of a Good Christian Guy". He also heads Children's Hopechest. What they are doing in Africa is incredible and big and inspiring too! There are so many others out there who are "doing" and just reading their blogs and the stories of how God is paving the way for them to follow their passion for the needy children of this world keeps me plugging away. What I realize is that one person with a burden on their hearts and a desire to please the Lord and glorify Him in all they do- can do big things. This is my prayer and my desire and my search. I thought I would throw it out there for my friends to see and read. It feels good to write what is in my heart, thanks for listening/reading.
Some recent pics of the kids and Gigi, just growing up before our eyes!